Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Get a head start on all the Holiday decorating from Halloween to Christmas and Hanukkah. These fabric bowls and place mats are fun and easy to make. Great to decorate your home with or make some as gifts.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Road Trip

It's that time of year again...move in day at universities across the nation. Our youngest has been boarding in a furnished home all summer while she worked in Phoenix so her furniture has been stashed at home in Yuma. We borrowed our son's pickup to take all her STUFF back to Phoenix (approximately 200 mile) and out of our spare room. Since his truck is a little newer and has a few million miles less than Brad's truck it should have been a breeze.
We set off and made it almost to the halfway point when we lost the serpentine belt. For those of my friends back east it is hard to picture just how empty our roads can be so I will post photos. It was noon and the temperature was approximately 105 F (40.6 C). the towing company told us it would be 3 hours before they would arrive for us. Not one to waste a minute I got out my knitting!
Eastword  West
North South
It turns outs that the little town we were just 15 miles short of ( Pop. 1700) couldn't fix the truck so we ended up being towed another 60 miles to the outskirts of Phoenix where we got the truck repaired.
We are back home and not anxious to head out of town anytime soon! By the way the photos are looking east, west, north and south.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Construction Blues

When I decided to move my sewing classes into my home studio Brad and I talked about putting in an outside door directly into the studio. His vote was to wait until I had full classes and needed it. My vote was to install the door while my classes were still small so as to cause the least amount of disruption possible. I won! We had a small setback because the lumber company delivered the wrong door, luckily being well acquainted with Murphy's law we had not started on the opening until the door was delivered. Three weeks later the correct door was delivered yesterday but since it is only primed Brad will paint it before we install it. My part in this project is to empty the shelves over and below the counter that has to come out for the door. This is one area that I had not really gone through when I reorganized my studio as a class because let's face it "out of site, out of mind".  it will give me a chance to organize and sort though that stuff I guess. Hopefully we can do the work in between my two current sessions.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Classes, Classes, Classes!

It is still HOT here in Yuma, in fact it is hot enough that we are hosing down our old horse every hour so that she will stay cool however I have to get busy making samples for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas for upcoming classes. It is hard to think of brown, orange, red and green when the weather outside is yellow, blue and other summer colours!  keep on watching for the first samples.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Rain in Yuma- Twice in One Week!

Last week was fun, we had rain twice in the same week...uh month, uhm, even better twice in the same season! The dogs didn't find it as much fun as we did though because they consider rain the most unnatural state and to be forced into it cruel and unusual punishment.  On the first day that it rained we also were getting irrigated so we had to race out and lock up the horse and the goat. The goat was doing everything possible to avoid crossing that expanse of water between him and the corral but Dragon was having a blast splashing through the yard. I think that it brought back memories of the kids riding in the Colorado river in the summer.
I hope to have photos pretty soon of a project that one of my students has been working on. It is a pencil skirt with a twist. it is an ambitious project for her and so we are both anxious for  her to finish it up. In the meantime, I am getting my fall classes set and making up some class samples.
I just finished this bag- A duffle bag the perfect size to pack for a long weekend away. It will also stow  quite nicely in the overhead racks of a plane.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Keeping Cool

Since I left Real Estate and have not been doing all the marketing for our office I haven't been messing around with html and brochures etc. I had forgotten just how time consuming it could get looking for ONE missing little comma or such that could throw off the whole look of a web page. Now back to sewing- so much more relaxing!

I have been working on classes schedules and also class projects for students. I welcome feedback from everyone on the kinds of projects they like to learn about. It is a great way to stay out of the heat at this time of the year. I hope that you are all having a nice summer too.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

I will be offering sessions in blocks of four two hour weekly classes for $120.00.  The first session will be available  either 6/11, 6/18/, 6/25, 7/2/ or 6/13/, 6/20, 6/27, 7/11 from 6:30-8:30pm. They consist of "Getting To Know Your Machine" with all its options and feet as well as completing a project of a simple skirt, drawstring pants, a non-tailored shirt or possibly a simple dress.  Future classes will move on from there and may also cover beginning quilting and home decor projects as well.
One thing about offering classes from my home studio is that is will force me to be neat and organized!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I am headed to Scotland on the 7th along with our daughter, my aunt and a friend. Once we arrive we meet up with another friend and head off to the Hebrides and the Northern coast of Scotland. It will be a drastic change from our dry, hot Yuma weather. I am very busy finishing up a class sample for JoAnns as well as some personal sewing on items needed for my trip. It won't be all fun and games on the trip though since I am taking my trusty Ipad and plan on working up some curricula for up coming classes. Standby for some great photos!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Blast from the past

Since my sewing area has been shrinking I decided to  pull out everything and try to organize it. Does anyone ever have an organized sewing room? I have sewing/knitting/dyeing stuff, then I have office stuff for FFC ( the projects I worked overseas with), left over real estate stuff including some boxes with miscellaneous supplies, and the files that I need to keep for 2 more years. My room is about 20 by 10.  I have counters and work space around but they are filled!  I did decide to use my scanner to get rid of the paper clutter which is helping with fresh things but I do need to go back and scan old files to  get rid of the hard copies. Unfortunately this ranks about the same as getting a tooth pulled, after all why do this when you can sew? :)  I also have several boxes of old photos (the one craft I am not into is scrap-booking).  A friend of mine who is not a collector and has a serene minimalist home suggested that I get rid of it all and when I sew just buy enough for the project and when it is done toss any left over fabric. Are you kidding me? Those are valuable scraps. Anyhow during my sewing I came across this old letter from Erma Bombeck to me. How cool is that?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Well the Baby outfit is finished- now to find the Baby!

Just kidding! We already have the baby in mind for the gifts, he will be born in a few weeks which will make the outfit just the right size when our weather is cool enough to wear it. The pants were a challenge since I had no pattern to work from, just measurements from a 6 month old and  some guidelines from the internet.  
The topthe pants

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

I don't really make New Year's resolutions but I do sit down and look at last years goals to see how many I made and if I didn't make them why not?  Did circumstances change or did the goal no longer seem so reasonable?  Then I make new goals.  Among this year's goals are a total revamping of my Etsy storefront. I am not sure what the changes will be but hopefully I will figure it really soon!
Beginning this month I will be teaching some  classes at our local JoAnns.  That will be a new adventure for me. I am looking forward to it and have a couple of people that I know waiting to sign up for one of my March classes already.
2012 was a year of change for us- Brad retired after 34 years with USDA, we cut back on some of our volunteer hours with several local organizations for various reasons and I left my part time work for the Humane Society. So here's to 2013- may it be happy and healthy.